We are committed to greater wellbeing in everyday life - to quality experiences, up to the finest detail - to provide pragmatic and creative solutions for every type of company

Who are we?

Yoga@Office - bien-être en entreprise en Belgique - yoga, Pilates, massages, teambuilding - wellbeing at the office

Candice Barbé - founder

Entrepreneur at heart, mother of Léa, former lawyer specialized in international private law. Passionate about wellbeing in the workplace and high-quality human collaboration.

Yoga@Office - bien-être en entreprise en Belgique - yoga, Pilates, massages, teambuilding - wellbeing at the office

Leen De Witte - assistant

Former marketing copywriter in the insurance industry, challenged and inspired by personal physical accidents. Loves to make words dance on paper. Passionate about breathing and the nervous system.

Yoga@Office delivered a very nice Welness Workshop at our office during European Mental Health Week. Marina, our trainer was very professional and taught us some very useful skills. Would definitely repeat and recommend!
Quote for Yoga @ office

Our history and mission

Our personal experience has shown us both how delicate the balance between professional and private life can be. 

We are well aware of how quickly stress at work can become overwhelming. It makes us lose sight of our own wellbeing and sweeps us along in the whirlwind of professional tasks and objectives. 

All this has an impact on everyone’s happiness, and therefore on the working atmosphere and performance.

That’s precisely why we offer companies all the tools that we know and use every day. To show that wellbeing doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated!

There’s no real separation between personal and professional wellbeing. Your employees also want to thrive in the workplace, and we’ll be delighted to help your company achieve that!

They trust us

RTBF radio report by Manu Delporte

RTBF radio report by Manu Delporte

We were interviewed by RTBF on the occasion of the declarations by two UN agencies in September 2021 (WHO and ILO) on the benefits of yoga in the office and Mindfulness for preventing stress at work. We’re proud to have been chosen by the country’s leading radio and television station to answer questions on this subject! Click here to read the article on the RTBF website, which relayed the reports, and above one of the radio reports.

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