Powernap in the corporate world
In the modern professional world, the pressure to perform constantly can become overwhelming. In Western countries, rest at work is still too often seen as a waste of time or a sign of laziness.
Welcome to China & Japan
This is not the case in other parts of the world. The right to nap is included in the Chinese Constitution, while in Japan, napping is ideologically accepted and even strongly recommended by some companies. It’s called “inemuri”, which literally means “to be asleep while being present”.
Closed office doors at Wakefit
The Indian company Wakefit is imposing micro-naps on its staff. The company, which specializes in online mattress sales (coincidence?!), has officially blocked its employees’ schedules every early afternoon.
Between 2pm and 2:30pm, no appointments are accepted so that everyone can take a nap. A ritual the company has designated “The Official Nap Time”.
Nike: who sleeps, is at his best!
If rest is as important as training for professional athletes, why shouldn’t it be for company staff?
Conclusion: Nike has set up quiet areas for employees in its central offices in Oregon. There, they can rest or meditate during the day. Just do it!
The Huffington Post’s EnergyPods
Arianna Huffington, founder of the online news site HuffPost, collapsed from exhaustion in 2007. Since then, she has made sleep a priority and has worked to normalize napping in the workplace by creating nap spaces within HuffPost. These nap spaces are equipped with devices called EnergyPods, specially designed to offer employees a private and relaxing space to nap at work.
Ben & Jerry provides the pillows
«We care about our employees’ quality of life, and providing a dedicated nap space and time for napping is just another way we take care of our employees,” explains a representative from Ben & Jerry’s in Burlington, Vermont.
The company, which offers yoga classes as well as personal coaching to employees while encouraging them to bring their pets to work, also provides a room with a bed and pillows for employees to use if they wish.
If people need a little nap to
do the best job possible,
we encourage them to do it.
– Ben & Jerry
Micro breaks at the office : also in Belgium!
Colruyt Group invests significantly in the personal growth of its employees. According to Liesbeth Van Hoorick, Head of Personal Growth, “If all our employees evolve, our company will evolve too.”
A space for silence and rejuvenation is available for employees who want to take a break with futon mattresses for a comfortable powernap.